Monday, January 9, 2012

It's not Delivery, It's ...

What do you in your house when family has a hunkerin' for pizza and you're gluten intolerant?
I've finally found a make at home, frozen, gluten free pizza that fits the bill perfectly and satisfies my craving for a soft pretzel.

I think next time I'll add mushrooms :)
Against the Grain Gourmet frozen pizza comes in 12 inch sizes in 2 different flavors, Three Cheese and Pesto, or you can buy the crust and add your favorite toppings. The use fresh grated parmesean and mozarella and the sauces are very tasty. Put it in a pre-heated oven for 12 - 15 minutes and voila...your pizza is done before the delivery guy knocks on the door.

I sprinkle mine with a little salt and some curry powder all know how I feel about curry ;)

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